Monday, February 10, 2020

How To Reverse Fatty Liver Naturally

How To Reverse Fatty Liver Naturally

You can have a fatty liver and not even know because the symptoms haven’t shown up yet and you feel fine. Liver problems don’t always show up on blood tests. An ultrasound can show whether you have fatty liver or not.  The good news is you can reverse fatty liver naturally with a few home remedies and diet.

I was completely unaware that I had fatty liver until I had to make an emergency room visit for a strange burning sensation in my stomach. They did an ultrasound and found that I had fatty liver and gallstones.  I ended up having my gallbladder removed and now I’m working on healing my liver.

If you are having strange symptoms and wonder what they are, here are some symptoms of fatty liver disease:
  • Bloating
  • Right shoulder pain
  • Yellow whites of eyes
  • Skin issues
  • Itchy bottoms of feet
  • Protruding belly

Your liver has over 500 functions in your body! You can see why it’s pretty important for it to be healthy.

Here are a few things your liver does for your body:
  • Filters blood
  • Metabolizes proteins
  • Stores vitamins and minerals
  • Metabolizes carbohydrates
  • Metabolizes fat
  • Assists in blood clotting
  • Produces bile
  • Helps make new blood cells

You can tell from this list above that your liver helps break down all the parts of foods:  fats, proteins and carbohydrates.  It plays a major role in your metabolism and can halt your weight loss for sure if it’s unhealthy!

Stages of fatty liver:
  • Fatty deposits—a build up of fat in the liver cells
  • Inflammation—liver becomes inflamed
  • Fibrosis—Inflammation over time causes scar tissue to form
  • Cirrhosis—liver fills up with a fibrous tissue that makes it disfunctional

When the liver swells up from inflammation or fat deposits, it can put pressure on the heart and create heart arrhythmias, irregular heartbeat, high blood pressure, and other heart related complications.

The liver can completely regenerate as long as 25% of the liver tissue exists, but it takes a long time for it to happen. It’s not an overnight fix. It may take months or even years depending on what stage of fatty liver you are in.

If you drink, it can take up to 4 days for the liver to recover from it. So if you drink regularly, it will likely be impossible to fully regenerate your liver.  Drinking very rarely or not at all is the best and most important factor in helping the liver regenerate.

To reverse fatty liver you’ll want to eliminate the things that destroy the liver and replace them with things that restore the liver.

Things that destroy the liver:
  • Alcohol
  • Deep fried foods—corn oil, hydrogenated oils
  • Processed foods
  • Unnecessary medications
  • Chemicals

Things that help detox and restore the liver:
Bitter vegetables—kale, collard greens, mustard greens, spinach, radishes (You need 7 to 10 cups of these per day)
Apple Cider Vinegar—add a teaspoon to your water a few times a day
Whole Food Plant Based Diet
Here’s what I do to make getting these liver restoring things into my daily life a lot easier.
The first thing is, as much as I’d love to think I’ll eat 7 to 10 cups of bitter vegetables, that is not my reality. I eat a lot of  vegetables, but I definitely don’t love these liver regenerating ones enough to eat the amount required to help reverse fatty liver. I take this Cruciferous Vegetable Supplement and get all the nutrition that will help my liver without having to eat all those bitter veggies.

I tried using regular apple cider vinegar in my water, but it was a little hard to get down. You could try finding recipes that use apple cider vinegar to get it in like this cucumber salad or what I do is just take it in pill form and avoid the taste altogether.

A whole food plant based diet can help resolve so many issues in your body as well as help you drop some serious extra weight.  This is the one I recommend and follow and it has completely changed my life!  I lost 6 pounds the first week and it’s steadily been going down each week from there!  Before starting this I was absolutely unable to lose weight on any diet.

I hope these home remedies and tips help you reverse your fatty liver and start losing weight (if that’s your goal).  I think you’ll like the results!

Click To Learn More About Fatty Liver Diet


What Foods To Eat To Cure Fatty Liver?

Diet For Fatty Liver Reversal

Is Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease Reversible?

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