Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Online Teaching Jobs for Teachers

Online Teaching Jobs for Teachers 

I might never have sought an online teaching assignment if my husband hadn’t been diagnosed with cancer. Faced with a foreseeable future of his multiple hospital stays, home recovery, and anticipated need for my amateur nursing — all while trying to care for our two children — I jumped at the chance to temporarily transition to an online teaching schedule.

Having the option to work remotely and asynchronously was a godsend. I figured my online students would have no idea if I were moderating online discussions or grading papers while sitting next to a spouse.

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

How To Make money From Youtube Views?

How To Make money From Youtube Views?

How many views does it take to make money on YouTube?  This is a common question asked and it really depends on who you ask.  You may have heard that you’ll make one dollar per thousand views or that it’s $1,000 per Million Views.  Some say it’s $5 per thousand views.  Well, we’re asking the wrong question.  We should be asking, “How much ENGAGEMENT does it take to make money on YouTube?”

15 Minute Wall Pilates Workouts Perfect for Beginners

  15-Minute Wall Pilates Workouts Perfect for Beginners: A Nutritionist’s Perspective on Fitness and Wellness Wall Pilates is a low-impact y...